It's World Password Day, people!

How to fix your old, bad, awful passwords.

Today is World Password Day: a totally made-up day where you’re supposed to fix your passwords.

If you’re like me, you probably have a trusty default password that you’ve used forever, especially for low-risk websites and apps that you could care less if they get hacked or not.

I regularly receive notices that this password has appeared in a data leak and I should change it.

Which I ignore!

It’s a lazy strategy — and an outdated one, now that iCloud Keychain and every other password manager automatically remembers passwords, even the most complicated ones.

Trouble is, I’m now faced with the task of fixing dozens — perhaps hundreds — of hacked logins that all use my crappy old default password.

It’s a daunting task, but one that’s made incredibly easy by iCloud Keychain. If you can manage it, today’s a good day to open iCloud Keychain and clean up your weak, stolen and reused passwords. Here’s how.

Also in today’s newsletter:

— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from Cult of Mac Store

A message from Cult of Mac deals team

Tweetz o’ the day

One more thing ...

Apple was about as pure of a Silicon Valley company as you could imagine. We started in a garage. Woz and I both grew up in Silicon Valley. Our role model was Hewlett-Packard. And so I guess that's what we went into it thinking. Hewlett-Packard, you know, Jobs and Wozniak.

— Steve Jobs, 1985.

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