Will Apple really mandate MFi cables for iPhone 15?

This persistent rumor is sketchy at best.

When it launches later this year, the iPhone 15 will be the first to come with a USB-C port for charging.

But there’s a persistent rumor that Apple won’t allow ordinary USB-C cables to juice up the device. Instead, Apple will force the iPhone 15 to work only with cables that are Made for iPhone (MFi) certified.

As we break down in the top post below, there’s little reason to believe this rumor.

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— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from the Cult of Mac Store

A message from CdkeySales

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One more thing ...

So if Apple just becomes a place where computers are a commodity item and where the romance is gone, and where people forget that computers are the most incredible invention that man has ever invented, then I'll feel I have lost Apple. But if I'm a million miles away and all those people still feel those things and they're still working to make the next great personal computer, then I will feel that my genes are still in there.

— Steve Jobs, 1985.

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Would Apple really require pricey MFi cables?

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