Vision Pro headsets head to devs

Loaners come with tight security restrictions.

Back in the day, I remember Steve Jobs talking about testing the iPod Hi-Fi — Apple’s first home audio speaker — at his home in Palo Alto, California.

He was so paranoid about leaks, he kept the tabletop speaker under a black cloth at all times.

Now, this is inside his own home! Who was gonna leak it? His wife Laurene? Maybe his kids? Their pets? Or was he afraid someone would peek in the windows?

Whatever his concerns, unreleased product paranoia is still alive and well at Apple today. The company is about to ship Vision Pro headset loaners to devs to get them started on AR apps — and they come with some very tight security restrictions.

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— Leander Kahney, EIC.

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A message from the Cult of Mac Deals team

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One more thing ...

I was on one of my fruitarian diets. I had just come back from the apple farm. It sounded fun, spirited and not intimidating. ‘Apple’ took the edge off the word ‘computer.’ Plus, it would get us ahead of Atari in the phonebook.

— Steve Jobs on why Apple is called Apple, 2011.

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