How to use ChatGPT on iPhone

See what the new AI app is good for.

ChatGPT is taking the world by storm and can run on your iPhone with a quick app install.

But what’s it good for? Will it suddenly streamline your life, make you a fortune, and get you loads of new friends?

Not quite, but it does run rings around Siri in certain situations.

“Treat ChatGPT for iOS like you would a friend who gives good advice. If you have a problem you can’t solve, ask it for suggestions,” says Cult of Mac writer Ed Hardy in today’s lead story.

Also in today’s newsletter:

  • Lost your Apple Pencil (I’ve lost two!) — fear not. Apple is looking at adding Find My to the easily lost stylus.

  • This MagSafe iPhone stand is super-versatile and handy, according to our hands-on review.

  • We have a great 30% off deal on Luminar Neo, the highly praised photo editor that uses AI to make stunning images. Much easier to use than Lightroom, it’s perfect for newcomers. Just use the coupon code CM30.

  • There’s still time to get an M1 MacBook Air at its lowest price ever — just $799.

  • Cult of Mac readers approve of yesterday’s “AR laptop,” which ditches a laptop screen for a pair of AR glasses. It looks like the future, according to yesterday’s survey respondents, and Apple may be releasing something similar in a couple of weeks at WWDC.

— Leander Kahney, EIC.


A message from Skylum

Perform image-editing miracles with the AI-powered Luminar Neo photo editor. Reviewers say Luminar is better than Adobe’s Lightroom, with a much easier-to-use interface and one-click artificial intelligence that performs complex edits in seconds. Use this link and coupon code CM30 to get an exclusive 30% discount for a limited time.

A message from the Cult of Mac Deals team

Tweet o’ the day

One more thing ...

From the earliest days at Apple, I realized that we thrived when we created intellectual property. If people copied or stole our software, we’d be out of business. If it weren’t protected, there’d be no incentive for us to make new software or product designs. If protection of intellectual property begins to disappear, creative companies will disappear or never get started. But there’s a simpler reason: It’s wrong to steal. It hurts other people. And it hurts your own character.

— Steve Jobs, 2000.

Today’s poll

Have you used ChatGPT?

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Results from yesterday’s poll: What do you think of the "AR laptop"?

Best reader comments from ‘’ and ‘jdobney’ and ‘cult-of-mac.coinpc’


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