PSA: Video Xmas in Spatial Video

You'll be glad when you get a Vision Pro.

For decades, my wife and I both dutifully videoed Xmas morning, capturing the kids’ brave smiles as they tried to mask their crushing disappointment.

I have to admit, we’ve never once gone back and watched those videos — terabytes and terabytes of them — but we’re both glad we’ve got them, ready for the day when we do want to wallow in nostalgia.

This Xmas presents a special opportunity. If you have the latest iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max, you’ll be able to capture the holidays in 3D Spatial Video.

Spatial Video, of course, is a stereoscopic format that will allow you to watch these videos in glorious 3D if and when you get a Vision Pro headset, tipped to launch in February next year. (In the future, they may even be viewable on other headsets, like Meta’s $500 Quest).

Folks who have experienced Spatial Video say it’s fantastic. Apparently, it really is akin to being there; it’s so lifelike, it’ll bring tears to your eyes. Here’s everything you need to know about capturing the holidays in 3D.

Also in today’s newsletter:

  • Whatever you do, don’t break your Apple Watch.

  • Somehow — and I don’t know how — CdkeySales manages to have crazy-low prices on Microsoft software, including Windows for less than $14 and Office 365 for less than $21 (with promo code CULT).

  • What do you think of the highly customized iPhone Home Screen in the X (tweet) below? Is it your cup of tea? Weigh in, in today’s poll.

  • Yesterday’s poll question — how long have you been using a Mac? — got a lot of votes and generated a lot of comments (we could only include a few below). Somewhat surprisingly, most readers of this newsletter have been longtime Mac users, or even Apple II fans. What a long, strange trip it’s been… And the best is yet to come.

— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from CdkeySales

A message from the Cult of Mac Deals team

Tweetz o’ the day

One more thing ...

Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume that you are.

— Steve Jobs, 2011.

Today’s poll

What do you think of the highly customized iPhone Home screen above?

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Results from yesterday’s poll: How long have you been using a Mac?

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