Fun new ‘Hello Yellow’ ad is Apple at its finest

Trippy yellow iPhone promo shows company's still got it.

Apple’s new ad for the yellow iPhone 14 is way cooler than the actual phone itself!

Go ahead, check it out in the top post below.

I think it’s a great ad: distinctive, playful and actually cool.

It just goes to show: Apple can still make great ads.

It almost makes me want to go out and get a new iPhone. I can live with a banana phone!

What do you think? Let us know in the poll below.

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— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from the Cult of Mac store

The SwitchEasy EasySelfie is a fantastically clever combination of a selfie stick, a portable tripod and a camera remote. We gave it a great review — and now it’s 20% off in a flash sale.

Tweetz o’ the day

One more thing ...

I haven't got any sort of odd chip on my shoulder about proving anything to myself or anybody else. And remember, though the outside world looks at success from a numerical point of view, my yardstick might be quite different than that. My yardstick may be how every computer that's designed from here on out will have to be at least as good as a Macintosh.

— Steve Jobs, 1985.

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What do you think of Apple's new ad for the yellow iPhone?

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