Fitness+ fan loses 100 pounds

Tim Cook congratulates Michigan man for his "fitness journey."

Nate Gorby always struggled with his weight. But he recently lost 100 pounds, thanks to Apple Watch and the Fitness+ service.

Gorby credits “closing his rings” for developing better exercise and eating habits.

“I’ve got my Apple Watch and the Fitness+ team to thank for this,” Gorby said in a tweet that’s gone viral. “You’ve changed my life.”

Even Tim Cook congratulated Gorby on his weight loss and new exercise routines.

Also in today’s newsletter:

— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from the Cult of Mac Deals team

A message from Momax

One more thing ...

Bill [Gates] likes to portray himself as a man of the product, but he’s really not. He’s a businessperson. Winning business was more important than making great products. He ended up the wealthiest guy around, and if that was his goal, then he achieved it. But it’s never been my goal, and I wonder, in the end, if it was his goal. I admire him for the company he built — it’s impressive — and I enjoyed working with him. He’s bright and actually has a good sense of humor. But Microsoft never had the humanities and liberal arts in its DNA.

— Steve Jobs, 2011.

Today’s poll

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Results from yesterday’s poll: Do you like ‘Drops of God,’ the excellent Apple TV+ show about a wine-soaked competition?

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