Enable iPhone's 'guest mode'

Keep your kids from racking up IAPs or reading your texts.

Our new how-tos writer, D. Griffin Jones, just keeps busting out tips that’ll make your Apple life easier.

Today’s lesson shows you a great trick for those occasions when you hand off your iPhone to someone else, like your darling offspring.

With a bit of setup, you can easily lock your device into a single app (like a game) and not worry about them going mad on Amazon or reading your texts.

It’s also useful for DJing at a party, letting someone watch a video, or dealing with law enforcement.

Also in today’s newsletter:

— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from Holafly

Tweet o’ the day

One more thing ...

Apple was about as pure of a Silicon Valley company as you could imagine. We started in a garage. Woz and I both grew up in Silicon Valley. Our role model was Hewlett-Packard. And so I guess that's what we went into it thinking. Hewlett-Packard, you know, Jobs and Wozniak.

— Steve Jobs, 2008.

Today’s poll

Do you dread handing your iPhone to one of your kids?

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Results from yesterday’s poll: What do you think of Apple's new ad for the yellow iPhone?

Best reader comment from ‘ddunn’ and ‘haloweensalem’


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