Chrome > Safari

Google's browser is better than Apple's! Fight me. 🥊

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You’ve likely heard all the negatives: Chrome is a resource hog. Chrome runs slow on Macs. Chrome will burn through your laptop’s battery. Chrome is spyware, allowing Google to gobble up all your personal information as fast as it can.

True enough. Still, Google’s browser dominates — and it’s not just PC users who prefer Chrome.

I use it every day because certain publishing tools required for my job just don’t work in Safari (or don’t work as well as in Chrome).

In today’s lead story, Cult of Mac writer Rajesh Pandey spells out why he also chooses Chrome over Safari.

When Steve Jobs introduced Safari in 2003, he talked up two things: speed and innovation. Apple’s browser wins on some fronts today — privacy and efficiency, most importantly — but for Rajesh and many others, Chrome remains the Mac browser of choice, more than two decades after Safari’s launch.

Which browser do you use? Let us know in today’s poll.

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One more thing ...


It's a totally new application. It's called Safari, and it is a turbo browser for Mac OS…. Why did we do a browser? There's two reasons. Number one, speed…. It is the fastest browser on the map, you're going to like this a lot. But the second reason was because we wanted to innovate.

— Steve Jobs, 2003.

Today’s poll

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