Big crowds greet Vision Pro

Fan excitement peaks on first day of the headset's sales.

Big crowds turned out Friday to greet Vision Pro, Apple’s new spatial computer. And rightly so: It’s the company’s first big new product category since the Apple Watch almost a decade ago.

Tim Cook was in New York to mingle with a large crowd of shoppers (and almost as many members of the press), who greeted the first people to buy the headset with a big round of applause.

The launch wasn’t anywhere near as big as some of the biggest iPhone launches of yore, but nonetheless, a lot of people are excited about the headset.

Despite its isolating, slightly dystopian form factor, Vision Pro’s eye-tracking interface is reportedly magical to use. And it delivers experiences people find hard to articulate beyond superlatives like “wow,” “woaaah” and “mind-blowing!”

I’m off to pick one up after finishing this newsletter. What about you?

Also in Cult of Mac Today:

— Leander Kahney, EIC.

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One more thing ...

The fundamental problem here is that headphones are a miraculous thing. You put on a pair of headphones, and you get the same experience you get with a great pair of speakers, right? There's no such thing as headphones for video, right? There's not something I can carry with me that I can put on and it gives me the same experience I get when I'm watching my, you know, 50-inch plasma display at home. And, you know, until somebody invents that, you're gonna have these opposing constraints.

— Steve Jobs on virtual reality, 2005.

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