Apple and the future of 3D

New partnership paves the way for immersive Vision Pro content.

Tech industry standards are boring, but oh so essential.

Before any new tech can really succeed, there must be an agreement on standards.

Take railway gauges. As railways took off in the 19th century, different railways used different-sized tracks. So-called gauge breaks forced railways to unload cargo and passengers where incompatible rails met — an inefficient, time-consuming and expensive process.

“Standards are critical to the compatibility of hardware, software, and everything in between,” says a good definition from the analyst firm Gartner. “Industry standards enable the essential elements of a computer and related infrastructure to work together.”

So it’s a big deal when giants like Apple, Pixar, Nvidia and others join together to create a standard for the emerging 3D ecosystem. These companies hope to use a file format developed by Pixar for computer-animated movies to power AR and VR experiences.

For Apple, this could prove key to creating immersive content that will make people want to strap on a pricey Vision Pro headset.

Standards matter!

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— Leander Kahney, EIC.

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One more thing ...

When our tools don’t work, we tend to blame ourselves, for being too stupid or not reading the manual or having too-fat fingers... When our tools are broken, we feel broken. And when somebody fixes one, we feel a tiny bit more whole.

— Steve Jobs, 2011.

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