Why Apple dropped CSAM scanning

Apple finally explains why it shelved controversial plan.

Back in 2021, Apple proposed scanning photo libraries uploaded to iCloud for suspected child abuse images.

The announcement was greeted with outrage, and the company backed down.

Then, in late 2022, Apple instead went the opposite direction by enabling users to encrypt pictures stored in iCloud Photos.

Why the about-face? Apple never explained — until now.

Also in today’s newsletter:

— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from the Cult of Mac Deals team

A message from CdkeySales

Tweetz o’ the day

One more thing ...

We sat on the patio outside [Bob Dylan’s] room and talked for two hours. I was really nervous, because he was one of my heroes. And I was also afraid that he wouldn’t be really smart anymore, that he’d be a caricature of himself, like happens to a lot of people. But I was delighted. He was as sharp as a tack. He was everything I’d hoped. He was really open and honest. He was just telling me about his life and about writing his songs. He said, “They just came through me, it wasn’t like I was having to compose them. That doesn’t happen anymore, I just can’t write them that way anymore.” Then he paused and said to me with his raspy voice and little smile, “But I still can sing them.”

— Steve Jobs on meeting Bob Dylan, 2011.

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