How to add CarPlay to any car

This is the cheapest, easiest way to upgrade even an old beater.

I’ve long loved CarPlay — Apple’s iPhone-powered infotainment/mapping system for cars. But until now, none of our old beaters could accommodate it.

I once bought a CarPlay-compatible head unit and spent half a weekend installing it. It was stolen just a few days later, to my undying fury.

A glutton for punishment, I bought another cheap head unit that was on sale, but then learned it was too big to install (after the return period ended, natch). Now it’s sitting in a box in our garage.

Then I learned about cheap USB CarPlay adapters that can be plugged into almost any Android tablet to turn the device into a giant CarPlay display.

This was perfect for our old Land Rover. (I know, I know. I feel guilty driving it, which is only rarely and usually on long trips. My wife hates it so much she calls it the “asshole mobile.”)

Using a tablet for CarPlay is perfect for an older car — and for the mean streets of San Francisco, i.e., it’s easily stashed out of sight of ne'er-do-wells when not in use.

If you, too, are interested in adding CarPlay to an older vehicle, here’s how I did it.

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— Leander Kahney, EIC.

A message from the Cult of Mac Deals team

A message from the Cult of Mac Deals team

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One more thing ...

For most things in life, the range between best and average is 30% or so. The best airplane flight, the best meal, they may be 30% better than your average one. What I saw with Woz was somebody who was 50 times better than the average engineer. He could have meetings in his head.

The Mac team was an attempt to build a whole team like that, A players. People said they wouldn’t get along, they’d hate working with each other. But I realized that A players like to work with A players, they just didn’t like working with C players. At Pixar, it was a whole company of A players.

When I got back to Apple, that’s what I decided to try to do. You need to have a collaborative hiring process. When we hire someone, even if they’re going to be in marketing, I will have them talk to the design folks and the engineers. My role model was J. Robert Oppenheimer. I read about the type of people he sought for the atom bomb project. I wasn’t nearly as good as he was, but that’s what I aspired to do.

— Steve Jobs, 2008.

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